Tuesday, March 15, 2011

An unforgettable week...

You know how we sometimes associate something good with something bad, just because they happened close together?  Well that has been the story of my life for the past five days.  

Friday morning the spring break team took off to mana island to debrief.  Well, as we all know, it was friday that the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, and threatened to come towards Fiji as well.  Friday night our cell phone provider sent out a mass text stating that there was a tsunami warning in effect and to move to higher ground.  It was definitely scary, but I had a sense of peace that the Lord was going to protect us.  So we all went to bed, unaware of how devastating the tsunami ended up being for Japan, and not sure if it was going to make it out here to us.  

I woke up Saturday morning and looked out my window to find Fiji as it always is.  Loud buses going back and forth down the road, taxis honking, and the sun shining.  It was not until later that day, once we finally were able to get our internet service back, that we realized just how bad Japan got hit, and how many people were wondering if me and my team here in Fiji were alright.  Once I set my family's mind at ease, I began to wonder how this terrible tragedy in Japan was going to affect ministry here at USP (later I would find out that the father and brother of one of my students that I'm meeting with was in Japan but thankfully they were not harmed, and they are on their way back to Fiji today!).  It's amazing how these kind of experiences bring people to a point of really questioning life itself, and making them face the reality that no one is promised tomorrow.  

Well, these thoughts were put on hold as my team headed out with a USP student to find a waterfall.  It was an incredibly hot day, and quite an intense hike to get there.  Now I'm usually really good about drinking water, but I was being stubborn that day, and wanted to wait until we got there.  Well, once we got there I was distracted by how nice and cold the water was below the waterfall, jumping into the water from the waterfall, etc.  So before I knew it, as we made our way home I began to get a terrible migraine.  And this migraine pushed through until the next morning and has left me battling dehydration for the past 3 days.  I know this was mostly my fault from the start, but it has been so frustrating.  

It has kept me off campus for the most part this week (except for a few hours I was able to spend with some students yesterday) and has definitely brought me to a breaking point.  This week is our "Encouragement Trip" week, where we are blessed to be hosting Ryan Elliott (out STINT coordinator), Jane Armstrong (my Bible study leader and discipler from last year) and Courtney Evans (an intern at Miami University who Stinted in Rome last year).  They have been coming to campus with us, leading nightly meetings, etc.  And I have absolutely hated missing out on such sweet time with them.  But, God is in control.  

I called home today and the moment I heard my mom's voice tears came to my eyes.  It's amazing how helpless and broken you feel when you are sick, and far from home.  But soon my family had me laughing again, and this day home has truly proven to be a blessing.  So as I look back upon this past week I know it will be one that will stick with me for years to come.  It definitely had it's ups and downs, but the Lord has shown me that through it all that He has never left my side.  Even when I can't fathom how to pray for those families who have lost so many in Japan, or when I'm lying sick in bed at home, wishing I could be on campus meeting with students and spending time with Jane and Ryan, God is good, and His plan for my life is better than anything I could imagine, even if it does not always make sense :)

Thank you for your prayers!
Please continue to let me know how I can be praying for you!

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