Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Lord will Provide!

These past few weeks have been a whirlwind!  Students are in their last two weeks of classes before they take exams!  Where did this semester go?!

Right now, along with encouraging students to use their time well as they begin studying for exams and completing assignments, and continuing to meet weekly with students for Bible studies, discipleship and follow-up appointments, we're seeing the Lord move in students' hearts!  They are currently trusting the Lord as they raise money to go on the 5-day long Student Life Conference at the end of June and/or the V20 conference in New Zealand during the first week of July!

For the past few weeks my team and I have been working alongside students and encouraging them to send out support letters, print out Buy-A-Block sheets (raising support by asking friends for different cent amounts, each completed sheet is over $50!), and set up appointments to meet with potential ministry partners!  

We're praying for over 150 students to attend the Student Life Conference!  Registration closes THIS FRIDAY!  Please be praying for the Lord to continue to bring in the money for these students to attend this conference!  Students who were involved in Student Life last year told me that this conference was their favorite part of the year!  They grew so much in their faith, and it's a great opportunity for students to get plugged into Student Life and make lasting friendships.  Please also be praying for our team (especially Kori and Dave as they head up the conference team) as we plan the details of this conference, and trust the Lord to provide the students!

Our Student Life directors, Koli and his wife Jeanette, have been in New Zealand this past month raising support!  While they have been gone, La (a Student Life staff member) and myself have been heading up the V20 conference prep.!  We're praying for the eighteen students who are signed up to continue persevering and trusting the Lord to bring in their support!  I have had the opportunity to lead weekly meetings with these students, encouraging them in their support raising efforts, and it has been so incredible to see some of these students take bold steps to send out sponsor letters, and follow-up these letters with phone calls!  There have been times where I've asked a few of the girls I'm discipling for one of their support letters, they are so encouraged by this!  After they give me one of their letters, I challenge them to now go and ask ten people they were afraid to ask because they need to take the initiative, leaving the results in God's hands!  People want to join their team, they just need to be given the opportunity to do so!  THIS THURSDAY marks the first deadline for these eighteen students.  They need 2/3 of their money in at this time so we can purchase plane tickets and apply for visas.  Please be praying!  While some students are in awe at how the Lord has provided, many are still desperately praying to see some money come in before the deadline!  God is sovereign and I'm confident He will provide for the students He desires to go, but students need to be bold and trust Him!

THIS SUNDAY we are so excited to welcome the Miami University Campus Crusade for Christ Summer Project Team!  Twenty-five staff and students will be joining us in ministry here in Fiji for five weeks!  Please pray for their safe travels!

Thank you so much for your continued prayers!

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