Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Blueberry Pie, Americans and becoming truly Fijian!

I have fallen asleep multiple times while trying to write this blog/upload pictures!  Not because it's boring (obviously!), but because ministry here in Fiji is incredible, and absolutely PACKED!  Below are some pictures that I hope give you a glimpse of what's been going on here in Fiji the past few weeks!

I am still trying to hone my pie-making skills!  So far I have successfully made a blueberry pie (Jenny made me start jumping up and down in the grocery store when she surprised me with her find of frozen blueberries!) and two apple pies!  They turned out so well that Rob wanted an apple pie for his birthday dessert last week!  This past week we got to celebrate Brian's Birthday on Monday, and then on Wednesday we sang "Happy Birthday" To Rob!

The picture above are the Student Life students who came to our Welcome Lovo to help us welcome the twenty-five Americans involved in or on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ at Miami University!  We are LOVING having them here!  We have the opportunity to join their Summer Project and help to give them a taste of STINT life, here in Fiji!  We are praying the Lord uses this project to put STINT on some of their hearts for the future!  They will be helping us launch a new Student Life movement at Fiji National University for the next three weeks!  USP students will be on study break and then taking their exams, so it's such an incredible opportunity to have twenty-five additional laborers join us!

We finally look Fijian!  A few weeks ago we got traditional Fiji Sulu Jabas (the top/skirt outfits pictured above!).  The boys on our team got shirts in the same pattern and we wore them to welcome the Summer Project team!

This is a picture of me with my new friend, Lindsey, from Eastern Kentucky University, and Piniana, a 2nd year USP student I am going through follow-up Bible studies with!  Lindsey is one of the American students on the summer project team.  Just last week that team saw over sixty students put their faith in Christ!  What a blessing to have them join us! 

Finally, as I have mentioned before, while our directors, Koli and Jeannette, have been away in New Zealand to raise support, I have had the opportunity to work alongside La, another Student Life staff woman, to head up prepping students to attend the V-20 Conference!  We are prayerfully taking about twenty students involved in Student Life to New Zealand to attend the V-20 Conference during the first week of July.  This conference will be hosting students involved in Student Life from Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Australia, the US, and so many more countries!  What an awesome opportunity for students to gain a vision for how the Lord is working all across the world and meet other students from other countries who love the Lord, too!  
Now, the challenging part is that I have been put in charge of helping coach these students in support-raising!  That has definitely not always been easy, but these students want to go so badly, and their faith in the Lord to provide is so encouraging!  Above is a picture of one of the girls I get to disciple, Lani, (in the red t-shirt) setting up at her "tea" this past Saturday.  A lot of the students have hosted similar events where their family and friends can come and give a free-will offering and get to talk with them about this opportunity to travel to NZ!  Many of the students have never been out of Fiji before!  I am so excited to see how the Lord continues to provide!

Thank you so much for your prayers, please keep them up, and let me know how I can pray for you!
God Bless!

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