Monday, September 19, 2011

Mid-Semester Break!

We're just starting up the 2nd half of the second semester at both USP and FNU!  Last week students had their mid-semester break.  We took that opportunity to hold a training day for students on leadership, a prayer breakfast, hosted a birthday party/girls night for one of our students, and took a trip to our director, Koli's, village!  It was a full week, but a lot of fun, and it gave us time to prepare for these last 7 weeks of ministry here in Fiji!

These are the girls that I lead in Bible study at FNU! 
 Last week over ten showed up!

Celebrating Charlotte's 21st birthday at our apartment!
We ate tons of cake/cookies/pies and taught the girls how to play charades!

On a carrier truck driving to Koli's village!  This may have been my idea to take a carrier...kind of on my bucket list for things to do in Fiji.
It was definitely an adventure, and much scarier than I thought it would be!

Our whole group in front of the chief's house.  Koli, the Campus Crusade for Christ director here in Fiji, is part of the chiefly family in Tailevu.  We got to bring out new grill there and make American cheeseburgers/chicken for everyone.  It was pretty incredible.

Please be praying for us as we plan the women's retreat for THIS weekend!  We're super excited to see what the Lord has in store!  

Let me know how I can be praying for you!

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