Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Day on the Dunes

Today Jenny, Kori and I took a little road trip to Sigatoka.  We got to take a car out there and I volunteered to drive the first shift.  I have driven in Fiji about 2 other times, but never for this long.  For two hours this morning I was trying to calmly navigate driving on the left side of the road (in Fiji, the drivers sit on the right side of the car) numerous potholes, speed humps in the villages, and random dogs, cows and horses.  As Kori said on the way home, driving in Fiji is definitely not boring!

We finally arrived safely in Singatoka and headed to the sand dunes.  This is a pretty popular national park here in Fiji, but we've just never been able to make it out there before.  We met up with Rups, Jovi and John (3 USP guys involved in Student Life) who were going to go with us as we explored the dunes.  I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was definitely so much better than what I was expecting.  We spent the next few hours running around the largest sand dunes I have ever seen.  It was a blast!  I'm a little sunburnt now and very tired, but it was a great Saturday!

We're definitely not taking our last few weeks here in Fiji for granted.  It's been so incredible to see how the Lord continues to challenge us to finish strong this year and continue being faithful with what He placed before us.

Have a great weekend!
-Mary Lin

1 comment:

  1. WOuldn't it be so awesome if the people who take care of the sand dunes took things to the next level and had SAND BOARDING?! Would be so much fun, and people would wanna go more : )
