Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Sunday Morning in Fiji...

Jenny and Kori were going to go to a church in Lami with the boys this morning, so I hopped in a taxi to go to Calvary Temple to meet up with two girls (Mere and Luisa) that I lead in Bible study at USP.  As I walked up the steps of the church I was greeted by warm smiles and handshakes which I responded to with "Yadra Vinaka!" (Good morning!).  I quickly went into the sanctuary and found an empty seat before the usher took me to sit up front (as they often do when they think you are a visitor!).  The choir was incredible and I quickly found myself singing along as I looked around at the congregation joyfully praising the Lord and the children walking up and down the aisles clapping their hands and singing.  

As the service continued there came a time where the congregation was encouraged to get up and move around the sanctuary to greet each other.  This used to make me so nervous when I first came to Fiji, but I now love to walk around and greet the others who are worshipping the Lord.  I took this opportunity to run up and find Mere and Luisa who were sitting closer to the front (Mere is the student that I went to see get baptized last week!).  After a few minutes we all went to sit back in our seats and the service continued.  As the pastor closed his sermon in prayer we all filed out to make room for those attending the next service (which would be in fijian).  I hugged Mere and Luisa goodbye and jumped in a taxi to head home.  I reheated my unfinished coffee from this morning and went to go spend time with the Lord.  As I was reading through 2 Corinthians, I paused to listen to the distant sound of a choir singing a hymn.  Everything slows down on Sundays here in Fiji.  It's common to see families walking along the sidewalk to church with their Bibles in hand.  Most fijians attend both a morning and an evening service on Sundays.

As I wrap up a year here in Fiji, I have come to learn that while many fijians do understand that what truly matters is having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, it is not uncommon to talk with students who believe that what is important is how well you "act" the part, and "do the right things".     And is it any different back in America?  How often do people join churches, Bible studies, choirs and service teams to make them feel good and to check it off the list?  And then how often do we, even as believers, get wrapped up in this "act"?  How often do we play the part on Sundays, and then wake up Monday morning and blend into the world again?  We're called, as believers, to be a light in the darkness.  We're not citizens of this earth, but of Heaven.  Do you live that way?  Do I live that way?  The Lord has been teaching me this year again and again that this life is not about me and my comfort.  This life is about Christ, and making MUCH of HIM!  So my challenge to me and you both, is to be vulnerable.  Take off that mask and be a light for Him everyday!  The world wants us to dim or hide our lights because they are offensive, or intolerant.  But let's remember that the Gospel is offensive according to the world!  Who wants to hear that there is NOTHING that they can do to earn forgiveness?  Believing that a relationship with God is a free gift goes completely against all that our society stands for.  We can't earn it, we can't maintain it, we can only accept it and faithfully spend our lives learning how to die to our flesh and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.  The grace of God covers all.  So what is your response to this?  How will you live in light of these truths?

My prayer is that I am faithful with what the Lord has put before me today, and to bring Him glory through it!  I am striving for true genuineness in my walk with God.  Whether I am sharing Christ with students, hanging out with my STINT team, or trying to figure our what God has next for me after I come home from Fiji, I pray that I will be filled with the Spirit and joyfully choosing to follow Him and not my own plans.

I don't know how you spent your Sunday morning (or are going to spend it tomorrow morning, if you are in the States)...but my challenge to you is that it isn't a brief act that you put on for an hour or two, but rather a continuous response of praise to the Lord for what He did, and what He continues to do in our lives.  Be bold, and let the light of Christ shine through you all week long.

"So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight. Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord. So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him."
(2 Corinthians 5:6-9 ESV)

1 comment:

  1. Someone tried to explain to a little child how the days of the week work, and that person said, "All week, you play, work and strive. On Sunday, you take a rest and remember why you play, work and strive- bcs the One who created you deserves your praise"

    Thanks for the renminder !
