Monday, January 24, 2011

"Are those claws?!"

We just returned home from our trip to the grocery store, and are realizing just how different this country is from the states.  "It's not wrong...just different" is a phrase we were encouraged to use as we faced challenges in this new culture.  Well, after today's experience, that phrase is not coming quite as easily.  

Kori was pushing the cart as we made our way up and down the aisles.  We started putting breakfast crackers (a very cheap, 75c a pack, way to snack here), milk (that comes at room temperature and apparently never goes bad...still trying to figure out how they do that), bread, eggs, chocolate (for cookies, they don't have chocolate chips here), etc.  We then started down the frozen food aisle and placed some frozen veggies in the cart.  We have been having some problems finding meat here, so I decided to brave it, and look into the frozen meet bins.  Well, that might have been a mistake.  There, piled high in one of the bins, were bags and bags of some type of popular meat.  I took a longer glance and then started laughing out loud.  There, piercing out of the bags, were tons of claw-like feet!  Yep, you guessed it.  Chicken feet.  Surprisingly, Kori and Jenny were not too excited about this new food choice, so we walked on, trying not to make too much of a scene!

We were successful in buying a coffee pot and are excited to get some good Fijian coffee and begin having students over!  There is a girl from NY who actually just moved in below us, so we're going to make her some cookies tonight!

It's always an adventure here in Suva :)

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