Monday, January 24, 2011

It's still me, just a new blog! :)

Welcome to my new blog!

I was getting frustrated with my old blog because I could not figure out how to load pictures, so hopefully this one will keep you all updated so much better!

Kori, Jenny and I are off to run some errands in town.  Priority #1: buy a coffee maker!  Instant coffee is completely fine, and we were so thankful for it, but now that we are becoming settled, we think a coffee maker is a wise investment!  And a great ministry tool when students start coming over!

My prayer letter for the month of January is complete!  Please let me know if you would like me to e-mail it to you!  I will be sending it out later today!

Thank you so much for your prayers!  God is so good, and teaching us all so much!  Just two days ago, us girls were heading outside to throw a football and ran into our apartment gate worker and I noticed him reading the Bible in Fijian.  We started a conversation about the book of Mark (which he was currently reading through) and he shared with me how incredible God is, and how the Lord is the only one we can truly put our faith in.  Amen to that!  It is so apparent to us that God has been moving in Fiji for years, and it is truly at a point of harvest right now!


  1. prayer letter PLEASE!!!!

  2. i would love a letter too! :)
