Friday, January 28, 2011

Snapshots From This Past Week!

Below is an array of pictures from this past week here in Suva, Fiji.  It is amazing how much our team has been able to experience together so far, and it makes me so excited to see what the next 10 months hold!

Unpacking in my new room!  It feels so good to no longer be living out of a suitcase!  And look at that closet space! :)

Our first night in our apartment!  

Part of our team touring the famous sights in Suva!

Brian is very trusting!  He let us shave his head!  This was definitely a first time experience, but I think I found a hidden talent that I can always fall back on later in life!

The girls at our first Rugby match!  We were surrounded by Fijians but proudly rooted on team USA!

Part of our team sitting on the grass watching the rugby matches...we all got a little burned that day!

We're getting used to finding these little guys crawling around our apartment.  I accidentally decapitated one the other day when I was trying to trap it with a bowl!  Oops!  I felt horrible!

Kori is LOVING watching the storm from our porch!  This one was pretty bad, the thunder literally shook our apartment complex!  But as always, it only lasted about 30 minutes!

Some beautiful flowers Kori picked to put in these little nooks!  The first time we saw this apartment we all agreed that flowers would look so great in this spot, so it's so fun to see the outcome!

We were able to hose our first staff meeting at our new apartment! It was so fun having company over and getting to serve coffee/tea and homemade chocolate chip cookies!  Our team is mostly sitting on the left and everyone else is CCC staff or student leaders at USP.

God is a God who provides, and that has been made so clear to me this week!  Please continue praying that our working visas come through, and that the Lord will continue working in the hearts of the incoming freshmen that we will get to meet in 2 weeks!  God Bless, and thank you so much for your support, encouragement and prayers!

-Mary Lin

1 comment:

  1. hey mary! so good to read (and see... great pics!) whats going on. i'm so excited for you! praying for yall
