Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ready, Set, GO!

This week marks the end of life as we have known it thus far in Fiji!  Over a month ago, on January 2nd, our team arrived in Suva, Fiji.  The weeks between then and now were filled with IBS classes, a staff conference in Nadi, Fiji, a week of recouping after we hit this island running, and this past week or so collecting the necessary components for the freshmen survival kits that we are putting together.  From now on, we will be in non-stop ministry mode as USP is finally open!  This coming Tuesday we will make our way to campus to begin a week of meeting the new first year students and working with the student leaders in student life to have these new students fill out comment cards, take a fsk (freshmen survival kit), and within a few days begin following up with the individuals who marked on the comment cards that they want to know more about the Lord!  

So while the future seems hopeful and full of new friendships, prayerfully new relationships being formed with the Lord, and continuous opportunities to put our faith in the Lord, we are currently processing through what God has been teaching us in preparation for this year of ministry!

I think the biggest thing that I have felt the Lord teach me in these past few weeks of becoming familiar with Suva, preparing for the first-years to arrive, and spending time with my team, has been the simple truth that ministry is not about me.  There is nothing I can do or say to make ministry work here at USP.  There is not a checklist that I can follow to ensure that great things will come from this year...all I can do is daily chose to trust the Lord; daily surrender my own will to His will; daily remind myself that this life on earth is to be lived to bring Glory to God, not myself.  Daily, I strive to drop to my knees and thank the Lord for this opportunity to be on this island for this year to prayerfully introduce and help students grow in a relationship with God!  My team has indeed been stretched already, coming to a point where relying on the Lord is a necessity.  Just today, I heard my teammate Jenny tell me and Kori after we were venting our frustrations with various aspects of Fijian life, "this is God's perfect provision for our lives right now."  I could not have said it better.  No matter where you find yourself, that is God's perfect provision for you.  He desires and longs for His children to draw near to Himself and lean upon Him for the strength that He freely offers those who ask!  

So as we begin to see a glimpse of the ministry we have been looking towards for months now, we will fix our eyes upon the Lord, for in our own power, we will undoubtedly fail.  

Please be praying that...
-we get permission to be on campus as our work visas are still being processed!
-my team continues fostering strong relationships with each other 
-we continue to be constant learners of this new culture, and how best to show Christ's love with these students!

In Christ,
Mary Lin

Us girls enjoying the view of Suva from up top!

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