Monday, February 21, 2011

What a Way to Start!

We headed onto campus today armed with over 700 1st year surveys (surveys from both men and women who are 1st years here at USP and had indicated that they desired to know more about the Lord)!  We sat down at the white tables (a well known spot where we will often be meeting with students this year) and began calling up the 1st year students!  Student Life students joined us throughout the day to take some surveys themselves to follow up.  I loved being able to witness both D and Joyce (1st year students involved in Student Life) go from being scared to death to make a phone call, to both picking up phones and speaking with different girls to see if they wanted to meet up and talk more about the Lord.  Joyce was able to set up an appointment for tomorrow at 2pm, please be praying!  I was so proud of them!  Joyce told me as she picked up the phone to dial the number of her first contact that she was so nervous, but she really felt God tugging at her heart to make the phone call!  

It was an incredible afternoon of seeing students step up to the plate and set up appointments with other students to prayerfully share the gospel with, but a highlight for me had to be the time I got to spend with Lavonne.  Lavonne is a 1st year students at USP and she was one of the last girls I called this afternoon.  She picked up right away and said she could meet immediately!  Within twenty minutes I saw a girl walking towards me with a huge smile on her face!  We sat down at the table and I began going through the Knowing God Personally Booklet (a booklet Campus Crusade for Christ uses to clearly explain the gospel).  As I went through the booklet, I saw her expression change from one of frustration and defeat (she told me she knew there was a God, but she couldn't keep from messing up) to one of understanding and joy.  When I got to the end she indicated to me that she had never before put her faith in Christ, but wanted to do so today!  I opened us up in prayer and then she quietly but sincerely prayed to receive Christ as her personal Lord and Savior!  There were tears in her eyes as I told her we were now sisters in Christ!  What a joy to be used by the Lord in that way!  I am so excited to see how the Lord grows my relationship with Lavonne as we begin meeting weekly to go through follow-up.  

Please be praying that the Lord continues blessing my team and the students involved in Student Life as we begin contacting these students who filled out surveys!  Pray for energy, strength and courage!

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