Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New Sisters in Christ!

Student Leaders Calling 1st year students!

The past few days of ministry have been incredible!  Yesterday I had the opportunity to join Nisa, a student leader in Student Life, as she met with a 1st year student, Vani.  Vani had said she was interested in growing in her relationship with Christ on the Student Life survey we passed out last week.  Nisa went through the Knowing God Personally Booklet with Vani (a really great tool we use with campus ministry to clearly explain the gospel).  The booklet ends by asking the student if she has ever asked Christ to come into her life, and if not, if she would like to.  At this point, Vani said yes!  She then prayed with me and Nisa and asked Christ to come into her heart!  What a humbling opportunity to see a student at USP lead another student to Christ!  

This appointment was followed by another one where Jenny and I got to see the Lord use us to lead three other students to Christ!  Then I was able to join Joyce (who just the day before had nervously called up this student!) with her appointment with a 1st year student.  It was so fun to see Joyce light up as she shared what Jesus did on the cross for us, and the opportunity we all have to ask Christ to come into our lives!  She explained it so well, and when she got to the end of the booklet, the student expressed a desire to ask Christ into her heart!  The joy on Joyce's face was so beautiful!  She gave me a huge hug afterwards, telling me how excited she felt that the Lord chose her to help lead someone into a personal relationship with Christ!  This was all only yesterday!  

Today, I met with a student, Zoe in the morning.  She has such a sweet heart and followed along so well as I went through the Knowing God Personally booklet.  When I got to the end she told me that she had not yet opened up her heart to the Lord, but she wanted to do it today!  I got to pray with her as she asked Christ into her life, and I am so excited to begin going through follow up with Zoe and see how she begins to grow in her relationship with God!  After this I had an appointment with Frances (pictured above in the purple shirt), and I was able to share the Gospel with her along with Latu (another student leader who wanted to learn how to share her faith with her friends!).  Frances asked some great questions, and when we got to the end of the booklet, she said she had never put her faith in Christ, but was not ready yet to make that decision.  I was so encouraged by her honesty!  She told me she was afraid that she would mess up and have to commit her life again.  I explained that once Christ enters your life, He will never leave, even when we mess up day after day!  I encouraged her to process it this week, and we set up a time to meet again next week.  Please be praying that God continues working in her heart!  

Finally, I was able to meet with another student today, Shareeza, who used to be a  muslim, but three years ago gave her life to Christ!  She is so excited to grow in her faith and learn how to share her faith with her muslim friends!  She is such a joy to be around, and I'm so excited to get to know her better this year!

Thank you so much for reading through all of this!  I know it's a ton, but it has been so incredible to see the Lord work in such amazing ways in the first 3 days we've been on campus!  Tomorrow night we're having our first Connexion meeting (the student life weekly meeting) from 6-7pm.  Dave, our team leader, is heading it up!  Please be praying for our team as we join together with the student leaders to put on this meeting!  Also, please be praying for students to come!  We're making 300 homemade chocolate chip cookies tonight for the meeting!  Thank you so much for your prayers!!!


  1. I was struck by the man in the background, in the picture on the left. He seems to be watching, maybe listening. I pray that his curiosity is nudged by the Spirit, and that he asks what you guys are all about!
    love to dave, and all of you

  2. p.s chocolate chip cookies seem to be a universal language =)

  3. Mary!!

    Oh my word, I wish we could talk sometime (on skype!) I honestly was almost brought to tears reading your blogs from the last few days. I just came back from a Prayer Conference with CCC, where 60 students attended from different schools in our region. We prayed for STINTers in different countries AND skyped with them to see what God has been doing over there, and how we can pray for them. It was an amazing weekend-and it reminded me of you, and seeing your blog made it more amazing!!

    I love you, and am praying for you and your ministry!!! Maybe we can talk sometime! Love you
